The first Hypex Bio emulsion produced in a laboratory setting. Commencement of strategic collaboration with Swedish mining giant Boliden Mineral AB. Industrial R&D for Hypex Bio and construction of pilot plant and charging unit begins.
Full scale trailing and underground charging operations commences. After successful production rounds Boliden approves the technology for further development and implementation. Hypex Bio wins the Boliden sustainability award 2022.
The central European explosives manufacturer and distributor, SSE group enters into an exclusive license and distribution agreement with Hypex Bio. SSE commits to ensure production capability and rollout of the Hypex Bio technology throughout the central European continent.
The South African explosives manufacturer and distributor BME enters into an exclusive licence and distribution agreement for the Canadian market.
The first full-scale Hypex Bio plant is commissioned in Norway and production starts. First commercial supply is to an Implenia tunnelling project in Stockholm. Hypex Bio HPE is transported in bulk for the first time.
Hypex Bio enters into formal supply and service agreement with Boliden. Construction of an industrial production site for manufacturing of HPE is started at theBoliden Kankberg mine.
Delivery, installation and commission of a Hypex Bio HPE plant in Brig Switzerland in partnership with Swiss explosives group SSE. Successful production and trial blasting commences in the following weeks.
The full-scale factory at the Boliden Kankberg mine is completed and production commences. An implementation program for the mine starts.
Hypex Bio completes construction of the first Hypex HPE surface charging unit (MEMU). Surface trailing commences and are successfully concluded in partnership with Verdalskalk in Norway.